100 Garden District Drive, Simpsonville, SC 29681


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4 Creative Ways to Display Your Favorite Photos

4 Creative Ways to Display Your Favorite Photos

You can quickly make your apartment feel more like your own space by displaying your favorite photos. You can choose selfies that you have taken at your favorite locations or opt for pictures of your friends and family. There are a variety of ways that you can display your favorite photos in your apartment.   Create Candelabra Photo Frames Candelabras can easily be transformed into unique holders for your favorite family photos. If you do not have any, the...

Schools Near Garden District Apartment Homes

Schools Near Garden District Apartment Homes

If you are a parent, then you know that your child receiving a great education is important. There are great public schools near Garden District Apartment Homes. Of course, we embrace parents’ choices to choose the best education for their child. Therefore, you may also want to consider private schools or homeschooling in Simpsonville.   Simpsonville Elementary School Located one mile from our apartment is Simpsonville Elementary School. Students fro...

Welcome Spring to Your Apartment in Simpsonville, SC with these Fun Crafting Ideas

Welcome Spring to Your Apartment in Simpsonville, SC with these Fun Crafting Ideas

Spring is a wonderful time to celebrate. You can easily create these fun spring centerpieces to show everyone that you are in the mood to celebrate the fact that you have found great apartments in Simpsonville, SC.   Candy Centerpiece A white chocolate Easter bunny can quickly become a fabulous centerpiece when you use him as your centerpiece. Start by placing a large jar upside down on a cake stand. Then, position the white chocolate Easter bunny on top. ...

5 Simpsonville Restaurants You Must Try

5 Simpsonville Restaurants You Must Try

Simpsonville, South Carolina has almost 100 restaurants, so it can be very difficult for residents who have just signed a lease on apartments for rent in Simpsonville, SC. to decide where they want to dine. While there are plenty of fast-food restaurants and big-chain restaurants vying for your food dollar, there are also many delicious locally owned options to consider.   Uncle Berto’s Bistro If you are looking for generous portions of outstanding M...

6 Houseplants to clean your air and lighten your apartment

6 Houseplants to clean your air and lighten your apartment

There are numerous benefits to having houseplants in your apartment. One of such benefit is the purification ability that most of these plants have alongside their ability to lighten and beautify your home. Your ideal houseplant has low survival requirements, is not messy and cleans the air that you breathe all at once. Today, we take our pick of top 5 houseplants that will help you purify your apartment. If you have been searching for apartments for rent in Simpsonville, SC you know the area...

4 Things Not to Overlook on Your Apartment Search

4 Things Not to Overlook on Your Apartment Search

When you are looking for an apartment for rent in Simpsonville, SC, many people, make the mistake of signing up a lease for the first place they find. But it is necessary that you do your homework, take your time and be very, very sure that the apartment you are going for will meet all your needs. However, don’t stress yourself with too many requirements. Pay attention only to a few things you feel are essential to your ideal apartment space. Make a shortlist, schedule a day f...

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